Preventing Clutter in the HierarchyOrganization in Unity’s hierarchy may not be a significant issue early on in a project, however with time numerous loose game objects will…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
How to Use CoroutinesIn Unity coroutines solve an important problem. Normally, functions run to completion before returning. If we wanted to create a procedural…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Connecting Scripts in UnityWhen building a game in Unity, scripts will often need to communicate with each other. One example is in order to damage a player we may…Apr 30, 2021Apr 30, 2021
Physics and Collision In UnityNo game is complete without interactions of some kind, and in Unity we build these systems with trigger and collision messages included…Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
Building a Weapon Cooldown System in UnityOne component of nearly every game with weapons is a cooldown system. As fun as it is to shoot things in game, without a cooldown most…Apr 22, 2021Apr 22, 2021
Spawning and Destroying Objects in UnityWith the rough outline of a 2D shooter game complete, the next step is creating the ability for our player to fire lasers. In Unity the…Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Incorporating Pseudo CodeWhenever we write code, the goal is to solve a specific problem. As with all problem solving, a logical approach with a plan is most…Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
What Are Variables in Programming?Variables are one of the most fundamental aspects of modern programming languages. You can think of variables as a box that stores the…Apr 17, 2021Apr 17, 2021
Basic Player Movement in UnityOkay enough set up, now it’s time to start working on our first game! To keep things simple, create a cube named Player to practice simple…Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
Optimizing Your Unity LayoutUnity’s default layout is fine for some tasks, however there are a number of simple modifications you can make to enhance productivity…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021